Cat Ballou
Director: Elliot Silverstein
Actors: Jane Fonda, Lee Marvin, Michael Callan
PlotThe story follows Catherine "Cat" Ballou, a recently graduated schoolteacher who returns to her Wyoming hometown to find her father's ranch under siege by the evil Wolf City Development Corporation. Her father, Frankie Ballou, is being harassed by a notorious gunman with a silver nose named Tim Strawn, hired by the corporation to force him off his land. Determined to protect her family and home, Cat turns from a law-abiding citizen into an outlaw. She assembles a motley crew consisting of her former teacher Clay Boone, his uncle Jed, and an Indian ranch hand named Jackson Two-Bears.
In desperation, Cat hires the famous gunslinger Kid Shelleen to help defend the ranch. However, the once-legendary Kid is now a drunken wreck who can barely shoot straight. Despite his shortcomings, the ragtag group makes a valiant effort to stand up against the corrupt forces threatening their lives. As the situation intensifies, Cat finds herself poorly navigating the violent world of outlaws and gunmen, leading to a series of misadventures and confrontations that forever change her life.
Writers: Walter Newman, Frank Pierson, Roy Chanslor
Release Date: 24 Jun 1965
Runtime: 97 min
Rating: Approved
Country: United States
Language: English
Home Video Reviews
Cat Ballou dazzles with humor and charm, enhanced by excellent AV quality and a robust selection of extras in its Blu-ray release.
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Cat Ballou's Blu-ray is technically superb, featuring vibrant visuals, solid audio despite minor issues, and engaging supplements, making it highly recommended.
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