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Bangkok Adrenaline Blu-ray Review

Score: 38

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

Bangkok Adrenaline showcases a few decent fight sequences but is ultimately marred by exceptionally poor acting and an overall lack of redeeming qualities.

Bangkok Adrenaline Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 53

Bangkok Adrenaline's Blu-ray 1080p/AVC-encoded transfer reflects its low-budget origins, with flat, home video-like visuals, dim and washed-out colors, and inconsistent black levels. While clarity is acceptable, issues like gauzy softness, flickering, errant noise, and aliasing detract from an otherwise unimpressive presentation.

Audio: 46

The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 mix of 'Bangkok Adrenaline' is plagued with issues: dialogue often sounds muffled and overly bass-heavy, fight scene effects overpower other elements, and rear channels are underutilized. Some ambience is present, but overall, the audio mix feels unbalanced and occasionally distorted.

Extra: 32

The lone bonus feature, a 57-minute standard definition behind-the-scenes compilation, offers unorganized raw on-set footage with no narration or interviews, leading to an uninspiring and chaotic viewing experience.

Movie: 38

Bangkok Adrenaline attempts to entertain with its martial arts and parkour sequences, but its inept storytelling, cringe-worthy acting, and low-budget production make it a grueling watch that fails to redeem itself even with the occasional impressive stunt. The film is characterized by ill-conceived humor and amateurish execution, leading to a painfully tedious experience despite its slim 87-minute runtime.


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