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Vampires Suck Blu-ray Review

Extended Bite Me Edition

Score: 52

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

Despite a solid video transfer and decent audio, 'Vampires Suck' is a weak parody that fails to entertain, making it best avoided.

Vampires Suck Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 64

Vampires Suck’s Blu-ray presentation boasts excellent high-definition visuals, including bright, richly saturated colors, and punchy blacks with good shadow detail. However, it is marred by frequent aliasing and visible artifacts that detract from an otherwise detailed and dynamic transfer.

Audio: 68

The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 track for 'Vampires Suck' delivers clear dialogue and a well-balanced front soundstage, though it falls short in surround engagement and immersive effects. While the soundtrack occasionally energizes the room with music and dynamic bass, it ultimately provides an adequate but unremarkable auditory experience.

Extra: 44

The Blu-ray extras for "Vampires Suck" offer minimal engagement: 9 deleted scenes (HD, 12:34), a 4-minute gag reel (HD, 3:51), and a 1:37 theatrical trailer (HD) are the main highlights. Additional extras include promo featurettes and previews, but overall, the content lacks substantial appeal even for dedicated fans.

Movie: 44

Vampires Suck is an utterly unfunny and lazy spoof, failing to add any value to the already satirical 'Twilight' saga, despite a surprising performance by Jenn Proske.


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