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The Resident Blu-ray Review

Score: 56

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

The Resident Blu-ray features excellent picture and sound quality but suffers from a predictable and unengaging plot, making it more suited for a 'Bad Movie Night'.

The Resident Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 74

"The Resident" on Blu-ray boasts a faithful 1080p/AVC transfer with richly detailed 35mm grain, deep blacks, and vibrant color contrasts, despite occasional overblown skin tones and lens issues. Its DTS HD Master Audio track is immersive and dynamic, elevating the viewing experience of an otherwise subpar thriller.

Audio: 74

The Resident's DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 track is aggressive and richly mixed, featuring immersive ambient effects and a strong LFE. Dialogue is clear, though there's a notable audio dropout at 16:43. Despite the film's flaws, the soundtrack maintains a high technical standard.

Extra: 36

The disc's only extra is a two-minute high-definition theatrical trailer.

Movie: 48

Despite its star-studded cast and involvement of Hammer Films, 'The Resident' is a predictable, poorly executed thriller with squandered talent, uninspired suspense, and a clichéd plot that devolves into farcical, gender-stereotyped horror.


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