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Uncharted 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Review

Score: 80

from 5 reviewers

Review Date:

Uncharted film: Technically great but story-wise, disappointingly average.

Uncharted 4K UHD Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

2K Upscale


Dolby Vision

Dolby Atmos


Dolby TrueHD

Video: 90

Uncharted's 4K UHD release delivers vivid, detailed imagery with excellent color depth and HDR, capturing the film's digital shoot and stylish aesthetic despite some digital noise and occasional detail variability.

Audio: 92

The 4K release's Dolby Atmos track dazzles with rich, immersive sound, offering detailed highs, deep bass, and clear dialogue, though sometimes reserved.

Extra: 81

The Uncharted Blu-ray release features director Fleischer's insightful commentary, plus a mix of brief EPK featurettes, deleted scenes, and a music video, totaling 47 minutes of additional content that feels quite disposable.

Movie: 73

After years of production woes, 'Uncharted' emerges as a flawed action-adventure film with Tom Holland, lacking the charm and depth of its video game origins, despite some entertaining moments.


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