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War of the Worlds Blu-ray Review

Score: 72

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

"War of the Worlds" Blu-ray delivers an authentic 1080p visual tone, mesmerizing lossless audio with impressive low-frequency effects, and a solid extras package, making it highly recommended.

War of the Worlds Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 77

Spielberg’s 'War of the Worlds' on Blu-ray boasts a 1080p, 1.85:1 transfer that faithfully captures the film’s gritty, desaturated visual style. Expect heavy grain, deep black levels, and a raw, somewhat soft image influenced by intentional blown-out whites and diffused filters, reflecting the director's intent rather than traditional HD eye-candy.

Audio: 82

War of the Worlds' DTS-HD MA 5.1 soundtrack delivers an authoritative, reference-quality audio experience with prodigious bass extending into the 20-30hz regions, exceptional directional effects, and a seamless, immersive sound field, though occasionally overpowering dialogue during active sequences.

Extra: 64

War of the Worlds' Blu-ray extras offer a comprehensive dive into the production, featuring insightful interviews on themes, character development, and CGI techniques. Standout segments include in-depth production diaries, Steven Spielberg’s insights, composer John Williams' scoring process, and H.G. Wells' enduring influence.

Movie: 71

Steven Spielberg's 'War of the Worlds' Blu-ray delivers an exciting and terrifying reimagining of H.G. Wells' classic, enhanced by remarkable CGI, Janusz Kaminski's evocative cinematography, and an engaging portrayal of human nature amidst chaos. The film achieves emotional depth while offering top-tier visual spectacle.


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