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Spark: A Space Tail Blu-ray Review

Score: 58

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

Spark: A Space Tail offers solid voice acting and excellent audio, but its bland animation, derivative plot, and flat characters make it a forgettable, inoffensive film. Skip it.

Spark: A Space Tail Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 62

Despite a competent 1080p AVC transfer with vibrant colors and good fluidity, 'Spark: A Space Tail' suffers from low-budget animation with flat, bland details, significant aliasing, and medium gray blacks that undermine the visual experience.

Audio: 75

Spark: A Space Tail's DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 soundtrack impresses with its detailed, lively audio, offering fluid spacing, balanced surround implementation, deep low end, and clear, robust dialogue. The score and action effects are well integrated, enhancing the overall viewing experience significantly.

Extra: 30

The Blu-ray of 'Spark: A Space Tail' features modest extras including a brief featurette on voice work, a sequence progression montage, and a concept art reel. These additions are informative but very brief, enhancing the viewing experience slightly without offering much depth. Overall, the package is underwhelming.

Movie: 40

Spark: A Space Tail struggles with overly familiar narrative tropes, uninspired CGI animation, and derivative storytelling reminiscent of Star Wars and other space operas. Despite strong voice acting from a talented cast, including Patrick Stewart and Jessica Biel, it fails to rise above its clichéd plot and rudimentary visuals, offering little originality or depth.


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