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The Incredible Melting Man Blu-ray Review

Score: 50

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

Despite its laughable dialogue and subpar acting, 'The Incredible Melting Man' excels with Rick Baker's phenomenal makeup effects, impressive remastering, and fun extras.

The Incredible Melting Man Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 61

The Incredible Melting Man's Blu-ray presentation by Scream Factory boasts an impressive 1080p AVC 1.85:1 transfer with excellent detail and rich colors, especially in well-lit scenes, though it suffers from some shadow crushing in darker scenes and noticeable grain in stock footage.

Audio: 41

The Incredible Melting Man's DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 mix delivers clear dialogue and vivid foley effects but lacks dynamic punch and directionality; fidelity is decent but the audio presentation remains sub-par and unambitious.

Extra: 53

The Blu-ray extras for 'The Incredible Melting Man' are compelling, with insightful interviews and commentary. Highlights include William Sachs’ candid, humorous, and informative commentary; an engaging interview with make-up effects artists Greg Cannom and Rick Baker; and nostalgic theatrical trailers. The presentation quality is superb.

Movie: 40

The fascinating practical effects and Rick Baker's makeup work shine in 'The Incredible Melting Man,' but the film suffers from a muddled production, hammy acting, and a lack of cohesion, drifting away from William Sachs's original horror-comedy vision to become a ‘so-bad-it's-good’ cult classic.


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