Director: Albert Pyun
Actors: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Deborah Richter, Vincent Klyn
PlotIn a post-apocalyptic future ravaged by plague, the remnants of humanity are scattered across desolate cities, struggling for survival. Amidst this chaos, a solitary fighter named Gibson Rickenbacker roams the wasteland as a mercenary. He crosses paths with a cyborg named Pearl Prophet, who holds the key to a potential cure for the deadly plague. Pearl is being pursued by the ruthless pirate leader, Fender Tremolo, and his gang who aim to control the cure to further their reign of terror. Determined to protect Pearl and safeguard humanity's hope, Gibson takes on the perilous mission of escorting her to safety.
As they journey through treacherous landscapes fraught with danger, Gibson confronts his own tormented past linked to Fender's brutality. The stark contrast between hope and despair is evident as they encounter pockets of civilization attempting to rebuild, only to be threatened by raiders and outlaws. Their harrowing trek tests Gibson's resolve and fighting skills against an ever-growing tide of savagery. The relentless pursuit culminates in explosive encounters that challenge Gibson’s limits and force him to make sacrifices for the greater good.
Writers: Albert Pyun
Release Date: 07 Apr 1989
Runtime: 86 min
Rating: R
Country: United States
Language: English
Home Video Reviews
Cyborg offers a fun, intense ride with Van Damme’s martial arts flair, enhanced by Scream Factory’s solid Blu-ray release boasting better video, engaging extras, and nostalgic cover art.
Read our review of Cyborg Blu-ray Collector's Edition to find out more