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The Messengers Blu-ray Review

Score: 53

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

"The Messengers" is a standard, unmemorable PG-13 horror movie, but the Blu-ray excels with a sharp transfer, impressive audio, and decent extras, making it a solid rental.

The Messengers Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

Video: 63

The Messengers' Blu-ray transfer delivers a vivid and film-like 1080p presentation, featuring strong detail, realistic color balance, and well-rendered black levels. The opening black-and-white segment displays minor banding, and occasional digital artifacts are present, but overall, it supports the film's moody atmosphere effectively.

Audio: 63

The Messengers' Blu-ray offers a robust PCM 5.1 uncompressed soundtrack that excels in creating a full-blown surround sound experience with tight, rumbling bass, active surrounds, and seamless 360-degree sound field, despite occasional volume issues that balance between shock sound effects and clear dialogue.

Extra: 26

The Blu-ray of 'The Messengers' offers a commentary with key cast and crew that, while diverse and engaging, often lacks cohesion. The 37-minute documentary 'Exhuming The Messengers' provides standard behind-the-scenes insights with a focus on the Pang Brothers' unique directing approach. Trailers for other Sony titles round out the extras.

Movie: 41

The Messengers offers exceptional A/V quality but ultimately succumbs to every haunted house cliche and predictable jump scare, delivering a stylish yet superficial experience that lacks originality, depth, and a compelling narrative.


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