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The Last of England Blu-ray Review

Score: 60

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

The Last of England's Kino Blu-ray transfer authentically preserves its gritty, dystopian aesthetic, though it lacks extras, making it ideal for avant-garde enthusiasts.

The Last of England Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 65

The Last of England's 1080p/AVC MPEG-4 Blu-ray presentation faithfully preserves the film's intentionally grainy, smeary Super-8 origin and VHS editing quirks, delivering a surreal, dreary visual experience with balanced contrast and deep blacks, devoid of Blu-ray production issues and age-related artifacts.

Audio: 68

Kino's DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 stereo track for 'The Last of England' is effective, with a booming, clear narration, jarring yet poignant Fisher-Turner score, and a robust low-end. Despite some mild hissing and dubbed-in effects, it delivers an immersive audio experience, though lacks subtitle options.

Extra: 0

The Blu-ray release of 'The Last of England' is a bare-bones edition, offering only Play and Chapter selections with no supplementary materials.

Movie: 68

The Last of England, directed by Derek Jarman, is a visually arresting and deeply personal film, blending chaotic Super-8 footage with symbolic imagery to condemn Thatcher-era politics and envision a terrifying dystopian future. The Blu-ray release from Kino Lorber offers a stark and immersive viewing experience, though the film's non-linear structure may challenge some viewers.


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