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A Christmas Story Blu-ray Review

Score: 36

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

A Christmas Story" hailed as a timeless classic; Blu-ray adds little new.

A Christmas Story Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

Video: 34

'A Christmas Story' Blu-ray offers modest improvements over DVD, with solid colors and detail but struggles with age-related flaws, and lacks the depth expected from high-def, maintaining a soft, grainy look.

Audio: 19

The Blu-ray's mono soundtrack for 'A Christmas Story' is consistent with its 2006 release, providing clear dialogue and adequate sound quality that, despite its simplicity and limitations, preserves the film's classic charm without detracting from its enchanting narrative.

Extra: 51

The Blu-ray releases of 'A Christmas Story' maintain original features with nostalgic extras, including a commentary by Billingsley and Clark, featurettes on the BB gun and Leg Lamp, and unchanged core content in collector packaging.

Movie: 76

A Christmas Story's" timeless charm and underdog success story come to life through Ralphie's festive quest for a Red Ryder BB gun, showcasing the film's enduring appeal and nostalgic magic.


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