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13 Blu-ray Review

Score: 63

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

"13" delivers tension and a satisfying twist with high-quality audio and video, but lacks replay value and supplemental features; best as a discounted purchase or rental.

13 Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

Dolby TrueHD

Video: 74

13's Blu-ray presentation boasts a strong 1080p transfer with fine detail, especially in close-ups and textures, though the dark and cold visual palette is stylistically limited. Despite a few murky shots and fluctuating black levels, clarity is high, and colors remain accurate. Audio is clear and well-positioned but not exceptional.

Audio: 69

13’s Blu-ray audio presentation features a Dolby TrueHD 5.1 lossless soundtrack with clear dialogue, realistic directional effects, and formidable low bass, especially during gunshot scenes. The sound-stage opens up during key moments, although rear effects can feel forced. The video is dark and detailed with strong black levels.

Extra: 23

Anchor Bay's Blu-ray edition of '13' is devoid of special features or extras, including trailers for '5 Days of War' and 'The Son of No One.'

Movie: 64

13 offers thrilling suspense and a gripping premise as Sam Riley's compelling performance anchors the film, but it loses momentum with underdeveloped side characters and an ending hinted too early, ultimately making for a decently entertaining yet flawed dramatic thriller.


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