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Texas Killing Fields


  • Score: 61

    from 3 reviewers

    Review Date:

  • Texas Killing Fields offers competent video and audio quality, but its sluggish pacing, flat characters, and uninspired plot make it a rental at best.

    Texas Killing Fields Blu-ray Front Cover

    Disc Release Date

    Dolby TrueHD

  • Video: 71

  • Texas Killing Fields' 1080p Blu-ray transfer presents a solid rendition in the original 2.40:1 aspect ratio, with strong black levels supporting night scenes, and a generally drab color palette that fits the film's tone. Despite minor issues like crush, banding, and aliasing, the transfer does commendably reflect the director's intended look.

  • Audio: 69

  • The Blu-ray audio presentation of 'Texas Killing Fields' offers a moody DTS-HD Master Audio and Dolby TrueHD 7.1 mix, delivering clear dialogue, immersive environmental effects, and dynamic moments in action scenes. While some quiet sections may feel flat, the soundtrack effectively enhances the film's atmosphere.

  • Extra: 43

  • The Blu-ray extras of 'Texas Killing Fields' are disappointing for UK fans who lose out on the US disc's insightful Director's Commentary by Ami Canaan Mann and writer Donald F. Ferrarone, replaced only by the movie trailer in 1080p.

  • Movie: 61

  • Texas Killing Fields delivers a dark, atmospheric thriller with engaging performances and stylish direction, but it suffers from familiar, unrefined plot elements and a lack of narrative drive, leaving it as a competent yet ultimately forgettable addition to the genre. The Blu-ray provides quality video and audio but lacks substantial extras.


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