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Diamonds of Kilimandjaro Blu-ray Review

El tesoro de la diosa blanca

Score: 46

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

Diamonds of Kilimandjaro's Blu-ray features erratic image quality with robust colors but some below-VHS scenes and clear audio despite subpar dubbing.

Diamonds of Kilimandjaro Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

Video: 49

Diamonds of Kilimandjaro's Blu-ray from MVD Classics boasts an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 1.85:1, but suffers from minimal clean-up and inconsistent image quality. Early scenes are murky with occasional haziness and contrast issues; however, certain segments showcase impressive detail and robust greens. Audio is clear with English 2.0 LCPM, though dubbing is occasionally out of sync.

Audio: 59

The audio presentation of 'Diamonds of Kilimandjaro' on Blu-ray features an LPCM 2.0 mono track marred by poor dubbing, erratic mixing, and editing defects. The soundtrack suffers from loud buzzing, amplitude spikes, noticeable hiss, and mismatched dialogue synchronization, impacting overall clarity.

Extra: 21

The Blu-ray extras for 'Diamonds of Kilimandjaro' include a 480i French trailer misaligned with lip movements, alongside several additional trailers for other MVD releases.

Movie: 39

Despite featuring stunning naked women in a jungle setting, 'Diamonds of Kilimandjaro' is plagued by continuity errors, poor dubbing, and incoherent dialogue, with laughably bad sound editing and a disjointed narrative that lacks genuine adventure or suspense.


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