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Vantage Point Blu-ray Review

Score: 64

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

Vantage Point is an average yet recommendable thriller with a stellar Blu-ray edition.

Vantage Point Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

Dolby TrueHD

Video: 71

Sony's Blu-ray release of 'Vantage Point' impresses with a stunning 1080p transfer, featuring vivid colors, exceptional detail, and immersive realism, despite minor edge enhancement and crowd detail limits.

Audio: 74

'Vantage Point' Blu-ray dazzles with its top-tier Dolby TrueHD 5.1 sound, delivering an immersive, realistic experience with flawless dialogue and striking sound effects.

Extra: 49

Vantage Point Blu-ray offers a mixed bag of extras, from informative commentaries and featurettes to quirky outtakes and high-def previews, pleasing fans yet leaving room for more depth.

Movie: 59

Vantage Point, despite its stellar cast and promising setup, disappoints with convoluted twists and lacks replay value, becoming an average, though initially engaging, thriller.


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