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Of Mice and Men Blu-ray Review

Score: 74

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

Gary Sinise brings Steinbeck's tale to life with top-notch performances and scenic cinematography; video quality is slightly lacking, but audio and extras are commendable.

Of Mice and Men Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 71

The 1080p AVC transfer on Blu-ray presents 'Of Mice and Men' with strong, natural hues and rich countryside colors, though some scenes suffer from telecine wobble and occasional grain issues. Detail is very good in close-ups and texture, but nighttime scenes struggle with shadow detail.

Audio: 74

Of Mice and Men features a robust DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 mix, effectively supporting Mark Isham's score and the film's dialogue. The audio provides clarity and distinct separation of sounds like train rumbles and engine whistles, though it offers a seemingly limited dynamic range with infrequent loud moments.

Extra: 64

From Gary Sinise's insightful commentary and engaging dialogue with Horton Foote, to an intriguing EPK, informative deleted scenes, and makeup tests, the Blu-ray extras provide a rich behind-the-scenes experience, though some content appears to be upscaled from standard definition.

Movie: 74

Gary Sinise's 1992 adaptation of Steinbeck's 'Of Mice and Men' honors its source material with a meticulous portrayal, bolstered by powerful performances from Sinise and Malkovich, adept cinematography by Kenneth MacMillan, and an adherence to naturalistic tones, making it a poignant experience preserved on a high-quality Olive Films Blu-ray.


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