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Unbreakable 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Review

Score: 82

from 7 reviewers

Review Date:

Unbreakable shines in 4K, a testament to Willis & Shyamalan's peak, yet lacks fresh extras.

Unbreakable 4K UHD Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

True 4K



Video: 89

Disney's 4K UHD release of Unbreakable impresses with enhanced details, deep blacks, and balanced colors, outshining its digital counterpart and previous Blu-ray versions, offering a filmic and immersive viewing experience.

Audio: 87

Unbreakable's audio across formats impresses with detailed clarity, immersive atmospherics, and solid bass, despite lacking advanced object-based formats.

Extra: 76

Disney's UHD release of 'Unbreakable' maintains a trend of minimal 4K extras, relegating interesting but dated original content, like detailed deleted scenes and behind-the-scenes featurettes, to the Blu-ray disc only.

Movie: 90

Shyamalan's 'Unbreakable' marries superhero lore with real-world ambiguity, featuring Willis & Jackson in roles that challenge the genre, shifting expectations with its grounded take on heroism and a visually distinct style, standing resilient amidst evolving superhero narratives.


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