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Miracle at St. Anna Blu-ray Review

Score: 56

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

Miracle at St. Anna offers excellent Blu-ray video and audio but falls short of being a cohesive masterpiece, making it worth a rental rather than a must-own.

Miracle at St. Anna Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 65

Miracle at St. Anna's Blu-ray shines with its 1080p, 2.35:1-framed transfer, distinctly presenting two visual styles: the crisp, vivid present-day scenes and the gritty, grainy 1944 Italy sequences. Detail resolution varies deliberately, with sharp high-definition clarity in modern scenes and a subdued, textured look for wartime.

Audio: 66

The Blu-ray of 'Miracle at St. Anna' features a robust DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 soundtrack that excels in dynamic range, crisp dialogue, and immersive battle sequences with powerful bass. The surround mix enhances atmospheric elements like gunfire and explosions, making it a standout presentation.

Extra: 30

Miracle at St. Anna’s Blu-ray extras offer insightful roundtable discussions on African-American soldiers' WWII experiences with Spike Lee and James McBride, an engaging featurette on the Buffalo Soldiers, and nine deleted scenes, albeit with some editing criticisms.

Movie: 37

Spike Lee's 'Miracle at St. Anna' tries to weave a tapestry of war, race, and spirituality but falters due to its unfocused narrative and excessive length. Visually striking with commendable battle scenes and solid acting, it ultimately suffers from choppy editing and overambitious themes, leaving a disjointed yet emotionally potent experience.


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