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  • Score: 67

    from 2 reviewers

    Review Date:

  • 'W.,' a nuanced take on Bush by Stone, intrigues but polarizes, with top-notch production values.

    W. Blu-ray Front Cover

    Disc Release Date

  • Video: 70

  • W.'s Blu-ray preserves its indie, grainy aesthetics with muted yet vivid colors, maintaining the intended natural look and feel without unwanted anomalies, accurately reflecting its theatrical quality.

  • Audio: 65

  • W.'s Blu-ray audio, with DTS HD-Master Audio treatment, excels in clear dialogue and a modest stereo soundstage, lacking in dynamic surround sound but maintains a high-quality, favorable impression.

  • Extra: 52

  • W. Blu-ray extras feature Oliver Stone's balanced commentary, in-depth documentaries critiquing Bush's presidency, a behind-the-scenes look, and extra scenes; a mix that pleases fans and critics alike.

  • Movie: 65

  • W. delivers a nuanced, even-handed portrayal of George W. Bush's life and presidency, challenging stereotypes and inviting viewers to reassess their perceptions, amidst technical Blu-ray details highlighting typical Lionsgate packaging quirks.

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