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Saving Private Ryan 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Review

Score: 87

from 7 reviewers

Review Date:

Saving Private Ryan's 4K UHD elevates war cinema; a must-have with stunning visuals and sound.

Saving Private Ryan 4K UHD Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

True 4K


Dolby Vision

Dolby Atmos

Dolby TrueHD

Video: 90

Saving Private Ryan's 4K/Dolby Vision release enhances detail, color, and texture, revealing a visually stunning experience while maintaining the film's gritty aesthetic.

Audio: 92

The Dolby Atmos track delivers unparalleled audio realism in 'Saving Private Ryan,' capturing the terror and immersion of battle with precision and depth, elevating both action-packed and quiet scenes to new heights of auditory experience.

Extra: 85

Saving Private Ryan's 20th Anniversary Edition includes all original extras on a Blu-ray, featuring documentaries, behind-the-scenes insights with Spielberg and Hanks, focusing on the film's making, authenticity, and historical impact, without new bonuses.

Movie: 92

Saving Private Ryan, a masterpiece by Spielberg, redefined war films with gritty realism, emotional depth, and technical brilliance, questioning the cost of war and the value of a single life.


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