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I Am Not a Serial Killer Blu-ray Review

Score: 75

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

A visually modest yet atmospherically rich horror film, 'I Am Not a Serial Killer' thrives on its unique setting and emotional storytelling, despite technical limitations.

I Am Not a Serial Killer Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 75

I Am Not a Serial Killer offers a 16mm textured, gritty presentation with a mix of bold colors and strong black levels, maintaining the intended eerie atmosphere. Detail varies from satisfactory in daylight scenes to heavily grained during darker sequences, preserving its period crime documentary feel.

Audio: 77

The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 track effectively sets a mysterious tone with clear dialogue and deep scoring, albeit somewhat limited in surround activity, maintaining a frontal focus that balances emotional nuances and ambient Minnesota atmospherics.

Extra: 70

The Blu-ray extras of 'I Am Not a Serial Killer' offer a compact yet insightful array of features, including brief but engaging test films, scene comparisons, and behind-the-scenes looks at creature design, storyboarding, and puppet creation, alongside 5 deleted scenes that expand on character dynamics. Running times are generally under 10 minutes, catering to those seeking concise supplemental content.

Movie: 75

I Am Not a Serial Killer deftly blends macabre mystery with psychological depth, offering compelling performances from Max Records and Christopher Lloyd. The film's indie production showcases impressive storytelling on a $1.45 million budget, balancing character-driven drama and horror in a small Minnesota town.


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