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The Perfect Game Blu-ray Review

Score: 65

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

The Perfect Game offers a predictable yet heartwarming tale, but suffers from stilted dialogue and forced emotion; technically, the Blu-ray provides satisfactory audio and video quality.

The Perfect Game Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 70

The Perfect Game's Blu-ray delivers a solid 1080p/AVC-encoded transfer that is vibrant and sharp, with natural colors, deep black levels, and visible grain; however, the color timing can be inconsistent, and digital effects, like fake crowd scenes, noticeably detract from its otherwise good visual quality.

Audio: 71

The 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack is articulate and well-balanced, focusing on clear dialogue and ambient sound during key scenes. Though not overly dynamic, it employs rear channels effectively for crowd noise and music, resulting in an involving but restrained audio experience suitable for the film's tone.

Extra: 54

Extras include an uninspiring director's commentary, a standard 13-minute behind-the-scenes featurette, brief cast interviews, a music montage, Little League commercials, and the theatrical trailer.

Movie: 60

'The Perfect Game' delivers the standard sports-flick formula with an endearing yet derivative tale, mixed-quality acting, and overt sentimentality; despite its predictability, it evokes an emotional response during the big game's perfect pitch, making it a decent yet flawed inspirational film.


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