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28 Days Later Blu-ray Review

Score: 60

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

'28 Days Later' revitalizes horror with its high-quality, terrifying spectacle, though its Blu-ray video transfer divides opinion.

28 Days Later Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 55

Despite technical limitations of the original DV filming, '28 Days Later' Blu-ray's visual quality disappoints, lacking sharpness and detail, yet capturing the film's intended gritty aesthetic.

Audio: 63

Fox's DTS-HD MA 5.1 audio shines in '28 Days Later' Blu-ray with immersive effects and crisp dialogue, despite minor directionality and treble issues.

Extra: 58

The Blu-ray edition of '28 Days Later' boasts a rich set of extras including commentary, featurettes on making and thematic elements, deleted scenes, alternate endings, galleries with Boyle’s commentary, animated storyboards, and trailers, all enhancing the film's post-apocalyptic vision.

Movie: 68

28 Days Later revolutionizes the zombie genre with fast-moving infected, blending survival horror with societal breakdown, and showcasing strong performances.


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