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The 39 Steps Blu-ray Review

Score: 68

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

Criterion's Blu-ray of 'The 39 Steps' boasts a superior, yet not flawless, restoration with excellent video, solid audio, and engaging supplements. Highly recommended.

The 39 Steps Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

Video: 68

Criterion's Blu-ray of 'The 39 Steps' delivers a 1080p transfer with a 1.34:1 aspect ratio, featuring significantly improved compression and better color accuracy compared to ITV's release. While some inherited issues like occasional grain and minor damage persist, the film boasts rich blacks, nuanced grayscale, and commendable clarity for its age.

Audio: 65

The 39 Steps' Blu-ray features an English LPCM 1.0 track that, while stable and easy to follow with minimal hiss and no high-frequency distortions, retains a tinny quality from the original recording, reflecting Criterion's meticulous restoration work to balance depth, clarity, and vintage authenticity.

Extra: 73

Criterion offers a substantive, meticulously crafted package of extras for 'The 39 Steps,' featuring a 1999 audio commentary by Marian Keane, a documentary on Hitchcock's British period, vintage interviews, visual essays, detailed production design sketches, excerpts from the Hitchcock-Truffaut interviews, and a Lux Radio Theatre adaptation.

Movie: 73

"The 39 Steps" Blu-ray stands out for its intriguing blend of comedy and thriller, impeccably executed suspense, innovative sound design, and strong performances, all presented with Criterion's high-quality 1080p/AVC MPEG-4 video and uncompressed mono audio, supplemented by extensive scholarly essays and interviews.


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