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Badges of Fury Blu-ray Review

Score: 66

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

Badges of Fury's comedic intent is overshadowed by its incoherence, but it offers excellent Blu-ray audio and video quality for die-hard Jet Li fans.

Badges of Fury Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 78

With an AVC encoded 1080p transfer, 'Badges of Fury' boasts sharp imagery and vibrant colors, though suffers from lack of shadow detail in darker scenes, occasional color grading issues, and sub-par visual effects. Overall, it's a solid, clear presentation with minor contrast setbacks.

Audio: 80

Badges of Fury delivers an exceptional audio experience with its Mandarin DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 mix, offering dynamic sound, precise imaging, and immersive surround channels. While the English dub falls short, the original track features clear dialogue, intense LFE, and wide dynamic range, making it a near-reference quality presentation.

Extra: 55

Extras include 'Making Of' and 'Behind the Scenes' featurettes, primarily in SD, with interviews and candid on-set footage, plus an HD trailer. The breakdown into segments is largely redundant but offers fun insights into cast dynamics and filming antics, despite Jet Li's minimal presence.

Movie: 56

Badges of Fury is an erratic blend of comedy and action that tries to emulate the likes of Naked Gun with humorous 'smile killings,' but its disjointed plot, underdeveloped characters, and inconsistent humor leave it struggling to find a coherent direction. Although Jet Li's antics and some intricate martial arts sequences provide fleeting entertainment, the overall product lacks the gravitas of a successful buddy cop film or action comedy.


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