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10,000 BC Blu-ray Review

Score: 54

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

'10,000 BC' misses its epic potential but has a campy charm; Blu-ray offers quality visuals and sound.

10,000 BC Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

Dolby TrueHD

Video: 69

'10,000 BC' shines on Blu-ray with stellar 1080p detail, vibrant colors, and solid blacks, despite moderate background clarity and some CGI flaws.

Audio: 69

'10,000 BC' Blu-ray impresses with deep bass and clear dialogue, but lacks sustained rear ambiance and polish in action-packed Dolby TrueHD 5.1 mix.

Extra: 36

While '10,000 BC' offers some behind-the-scenes content and an alternate ending, its home video release lacks substantial extras, with special features deemed underwhelming.

Movie: 46

While not a cinematic masterpiece, 10,000 BC outshines outright disasters with its decent production, despite its lack of originality and weak script, making it somewhat watchable for its visual and camp value.


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