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Rush Hour Blu-ray Review

Score: 65

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

Rush Hour's Blu-ray release is a delightful mix of spirited action-comedy with solid video transfer, engaging DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 track, and robust extras.

Rush Hour Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 64

Rush Hour’s Blu-ray presentation shows mixed results: while the 1080p/VC-1 encoding delivers vibrant colors and generally decent details, issues like edge enhancement, occasional grain, and soft shots mar the experience. Improvements over the DVD are clear, but a retooled master is needed for optimal high-definition quality.

Audio: 70

Rush Hour's DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 mix boasts clear dialogue, dynamic range, and impactful bass, creating an immersive soundfield with well-integrated directional cues. While some gunfire and ADR elements reveal the film's age, the overall audio presentation is a notable upgrade from the DVD's lossy Dolby Digital track.

Extra: 59

The Blu-ray of 'Rush Hour' delivers no new content but includes robust extras like Ratner's detailed and engaging director's commentary, Schifrin's isolated score analysis for film score enthusiasts, a 41-minute behind-the-scenes documentary, and additional bonuses such as music videos and deleted scenes. A solid package for fans.

Movie: 64

Directed by Brett Ratner, Rush Hour thrives on the dynamic chemistry between Jackie Chan's meticulous action choreography and Chris Tucker's brash comic relief, resulting in a predictable yet entertaining Buddy Cop film that shines with Chan's irresistibly fun energy and expertly crafted martial arts scenes.


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