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Red Dawn Blu-ray Review

Score: 63

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

Red Dawn's Blu-ray balances its unexpectedly deep anti-war narrative and 1980s action with decent video and audio, making it a recommended upgrade.

Red Dawn Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 63

Red Dawn's 1080p Blu-ray transfer is a mixed bag; while offering good detail in faces and terrain, it suffers from inconsistent quality with noticeable edge enhancement, specks, and noise, yet generally provides a stable, pleasant experience for a low-cost catalog release.

Audio: 63

Red Dawn's DTS-HD MA 5.1 soundtrack offers a robust listening environment that shines in its orchestration and ambient details, despite occasional muddled gunfire and less-than-booming explosions. Dialogue is generally clear and music adds depth, providing a passably good, if somewhat dated, experience for fans.

Extra: 53

The Blu-ray extras for 'Red Dawn' offer a deep dive into the film's distinctive political stance, behind-the-scenes training, and set construction, featuring retrospectives and detailed segments on John Milius' military expertise and on-location shooting in New Mexico, though navigation could be improved.

Movie: 68

'Red Dawn' skews darker than typical 80s action films, offering a politically charged, emotional, and technically sound depiction of guerrilla warfare and survival against overwhelming odds. This Blu-ray release preserves the film’s gritty realism, highlighting both its strengths and melodramatic elements.


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