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Rememory Blu-ray Review

Score: 69

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

Rememory boasts a stellar cast and technical excellence, but suffers from a convoluted execution and wasted potential, making it a forgettable rental.

Rememory Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 84

Utilizing a 2.40:1 AVC encoded 1080p transfer, 'Rememory' offers a clear and detailed image with intentional blue/green and brown color grading. The digital source ensures a clean look, with deep blacks and vivid, contrasting hues, although occasional banding is present. Notably, memories are shown in lower resolution to enhance authenticity.

Audio: 80

The DTS-HD MA 5.1 track in 'Rememory' provides a stable and well-balanced audio experience. While largely dialogue-driven with a front-heavy focus, the mix excels in critical scenes, delivering crisp vocals, immersive surges during climactic moments, and occasional impactful LFE, enhancing the film's subtle tone.

Extra: 52

The Blu-ray Extras for 'Rememory' include a revealing audio commentary by Writer/Director Mark Palansky and Actor Peter Dinklage discussing their motivations for the project, alongside a thorough 31-minute featurette, 'The Memories We Keep,' offering in-depth interviews that illuminate the film's enticing premise.

Movie: 62

Rememory struggles to find its identity amidst a blend of genres, featuring an intriguing concept reminiscent of 'Total Recall' and 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,' but is ultimately undermined by convoluted storytelling, underexplored technological aspects, and reliance on Peter Dinklage's commendable performance.


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