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Punch-Drunk Love 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Review

Score: 83

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

Punch-Drunk Love in 4K UHD delivers a near-perfect video transfer, strong Dolby Atmos audio, and solid extras, making it a standout in the Columbia Classics Vol. 4.

Punch-Drunk Love 4K UHD Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

True 4K


Dolby Vision

Dolby Atmos


Dolby TrueHD

Video: 95

Sony’s 4K UHD remaster of ‘Punch-Drunk Love,’ overseen by Paul Thomas Anderson, enhances the film’s original 35mm aesthetic with remarkable clarity, vibrant colors, strong contrast, and refined grain. Utilizing Dolby Vision and HDR10, the disc faithfully preserves the director's vision in an impeccably detailed 2160p presentation.

Audio: 92

The new Dolby Atmos mix for Punch-Drunk Love provides a richly immersive experience, seamlessly transitioning from quiet, natural soundscapes to explosive dynamics, particularly excelling in low-end output and surround activity. Moments of intense audio, like the sudden car crash, effectively elevate the film’s psychological impact.

Extra: 83

The 4K UHD Blu-ray of 'Punch-Drunk Love' boasts an array of extras largely ported from previous DVD and Blu-ray releases, including deleted scenes, a short film by Paul Thomas Anderson, a featurette on Jon Brion's score, recording sessions at Abbey Road, and a collection of artistic scopitones.

Movie: 86

Featuring a top-notch performance by Adam Sandler, 'Punch-Drunk Love' arrives on 4K UHD Blu-ray with vibrant visual quality and multiple Dolby Atmos tracks. Divisive yet poignant, Paul Thomas Anderson crafts a dark comedy blending Sandler's anxiety-laden character with absurdist elements, making it a collector's essential.


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