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Friday the 13th Blu-ray Review

Friday The 13th Collection Deluxe Edition Version | Killer Cut

Score: 57

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

Although Shout! didn’t significantly upgrade the solid Blu-ray, the presentation is good, extra content is decent, and Jason Voorhees’s reinvention as a survivalist is effective.

Friday the 13th Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

Dolby TrueHD

Video: 62

Friday the 13th slices into Blu-ray with a 1080p, 2.40:1 transfer that provides solid high-definition viewing material, despite occasional softness, grayish blacks, and slight noise in dense blues. Strong contrast helps maintain image depth, though this tech-aged transfer could benefit from HDR enhancements.

Audio: 62

Friday the 13th stirs mixed reactions in its Blu-ray audio presentation. The Dolby TrueHD 5.1 soundtrack offers crisp dialogue and strong action scenes, with effective ambient effects like rain, thunder, and Vorhees' footsteps. Yet, it largely relies on front soundstage, rendering the overall experience adequate but not exceptional.

Extra: 47

The 'Friday the 13th' Blu-ray extras include an engaging PIP with text trivia, an 11-minute making-of featurette, 22 minutes of best kills in individual featurettes, and 8 minutes of deleted scenes, offering a comprehensive look into this iconic slasher film.

Movie: 57

The Blu-ray release of "Friday the 13th" by Shout! Factory offers nothing new compared to the 2009 Warner Brothers disc, with no updates in video, audio, or supplementary content. The film itself sticks to cliché slasher tropes but modernizes Jason Voorhees into a territorial survivalist, reflecting post-9/11 anxieties.


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