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I Melt with You Blu-ray Review

Score: 48

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

A visually grating, pretentious, and depressingly nihilistic film with little to offer beyond a strong soundtrack; an excruciating experience overall.

I Melt with You Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 43

'I Melt with You' on Blu-ray showcases an unusual visual style due to its consumer-grade HDSLR shooting, resulting in mixed clarity, frequent softness, harsh blacks, and inconsistent color balance with noticeable aliasing and banding. Despite its experimental intent, the presentation often feels frustratingly amateurish.

Audio: 48

"I Melt with You" features a DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 mix that delivers an intense and clear punk/post-punk soundtrack, though at times almost deafening. While the dialogue occasionally gets lost amidst the blaring music and ambient sounds, the overall audio experience remains punchy, with strong subwoofer output and effective use of rear channels.

Extra: 61

The Blu-ray extras for 'I Melt with You' offer an in-depth dive into its low-budget filmmaking, including two diverse commentary tracks with director Mark Pellington; extensive interviews with Pellington and Jeremy Piven; deleted scenes; and several conceptual pieces and trailers that provide broader context for the film.

Movie: 36

A visually stylish yet pretentiously dark mid-life crisis drama, 'I Melt with You' squanders a promising setup and solid cast with clichéd scenarios, heavy-handed symbolism, and an unconvincing plot twist, culminating in an unnecessarily drawn-out, soul-crushing experience.


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