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Multiple Maniacs Blu-ray Review

Score: 67

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

A sharp, entertaining character film with a terrific Blu-ray presentation and impressive audio mix, '20th Century Women' is a highly recommended watch.

Multiple Maniacs Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 75

Multiple Maniacs' Blu-ray presentation delivers refined visuals with stable contrast, vivid colors, and strong depth, offering film-like images perfectly suited to the source. Black levels are punchy, with notable shadow separation in dark scenes. This 1080p transfer is free from image instability and compression issues.

Audio: 72

The Blu-ray of 'Multiple Maniacs' offers a DTS-HD MA soundtrack with impressive dynamic range, clear dialogue centered firmly, and balanced front soundstage. While low frequency effects are subtle, the surround channels provide authentic ambient effects, enhancing overall immersion and spatial depth.

Extra: 43

The Blu-ray extras for "20th Century Women" may be limited but offer quality insights, with Mike Mills' engaging and informative commentary on production and casting, complemented by featurettes that delve into the making of the film and character development.

Movie: 67

"20th Century Women" is a whimsical yet grounded character study, deftly captured on Blu-ray by Lionsgate. Mike Mills’ smart screenplay weaves non-linear narratives and richly-varied voices around Annette Bening’s nuanced portrayal of a single mom in late-70s Santa Barbara, creating a memorable, heartwarming ensemble piece that avoids melodrama and feels genuinely relatable.


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