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Under the Skin Blu-ray Review

Score: 78

from 4 reviewers

Review Date:

A visually arresting and wholly original film with strong video and audio quality, 'Under the Skin' is complex, haunting, and a must-watch, though it lacks essential commentary tracks.

Under the Skin Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 78

The Blu-ray of "Under the Skin" presents a commendable 1080p AVC transfer in 1.85:1 aspect ratio, showcasing remarkable clarity and detail from the Arri Alexa Plus cameras. However, variations due to GoPro-like hidden cameras introduce noticeable softer footage and darker scenes with minor banding and compression artifacts.

Audio: 80

Under the Skin's DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 mix delivers immersive, nuanced sound design, highlighted by Mica Levi’s haunting score and a range of subtle ambient effects. Dialogue clarity is generally high, though heavy Scottish accents may necessitate subtitles. Surround activity enriches the film’s minimalistic yet engaging audio experience.

Extra: 66

Under the Skin’s Blu-ray extras offer a comprehensive behind-the-scenes look with ten featurettes totaling 42 minutes in HD, detailing everything from the innovative use of hidden cameras and extensive editing process to the unique music scoring and intricate VFX, providing a deeper understanding of the film’s production complexities.

Movie: 78

Under the Skin is an ambiguous, visually stunning sci-fi film featuring Scarlett Johansson as an alien seductress preying on men in Scotland. Its minimalist plot, compelling score by Mica Levi, and a style likened to Kubrick's '2001: A Space Odyssey' render it both captivating and perplexing—a unique cinematic experience.


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