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The Darkest Hour Blu-ray Review

Score: 63

from 5 reviewers

Review Date:

"The Darkest Hour" offers passable mindless entertainment with slick production but dull characters; Blu-ray features stellar audio and midlevel 3D video. A rental at best.

The Darkest Hour Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 76

The Darkest Hour's Blu-ray 3D presentation is not exemplary but offers decent depth and separation, with a theatrically correct widescreen 2.4:1 1080p image. The native 3D brings solidity to characters and objects, although interior shots lack true depth. Vibrant colors and clarity are notable, but dark scenes suffer from brightness and contrast issues. There are minimal compression problems and aliasing effects are present but not distracting. The 3D effect is minimal with some light ghosting and a darker image compared to the 2D version.

Audio: 76

The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 track for 'The Darkest Hour' delivers clear and precise dialogue, strong bass, and realistic effects, though its surround usage and low-end frequencies are somewhat limited, making it a solid but not exceptional audio experience.

Extra: 60

The Darkest Hour Blu-ray extras provide an average set of additional content, including deleted scenes, a short film, and a featurette that offers insight into visual effects; the audio commentary by Chris Gorak is technical but occasionally lacks engagement, and the 3D presentation falls flat.

Movie: 54

"The Darkest Hour" Blu-ray offers an underwhelming alien invasion narrative, hampered by a weak script, uninspired characters, and unmemorable performances. While the visual and audio quality are competent, the 3D effects and extras package add little value. Comparable to Syfy TV productions, it fails to stand out in its genre.


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