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Matrimony Blu-ray Review

Xin zhong you gui

Score: 32

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

A strong, engaging picture let down by mediocre Blu-ray quality; great for rental, but subpar technical presentation makes it a poor purchase choice.

Matrimony Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

Video: 38

The Blu-ray of 'Matrimony' features a mediocre 1080p transfer with frequent scratches, pops, and generally soft image quality. Despite some sequences with good clarity and definition, the video often suffers from noise, murky blacks, and occasional banding, making this a borderline disappointing release.

Audio: 28

The Matrimony's audio presentation, utilizing a Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack, suffers from imbalance and clarity issues, with intrusive surround effects and a lack of dynamics, revealing its limitations compared to a lossless format.

Extra: 16

The Blu-ray extras for 'Matrimony' feature comprehensive HD interviews with the director, main cast, writer, and executive producer, along with multiple trailers, providing valuable behind-the-scenes insights and promotional content.

Movie: 56

The Matrimony's Blu-ray release stands out for its beautifully constructed ghost story with a focus on raw emotion and drama rather than traditional scares. Hua-Tao Teng's direction excels through subdued yet stylish cinematography, though occasional plot meandering and an unsatisfying conclusion slightly undermine its impact. Excellent performances and lavish production design elevate this emotionally charged film.


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