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Million Dollar Baby Blu-ray Review

Score: 40

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

Clint Eastwood's 'Million Dollar Baby' delivers a powerful, heartfelt story with compelling performances, though the Blu-ray's presentation and extras leave room for improvement.

Million Dollar Baby Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

Video: 43

Million Dollar Baby's 2.35:1, 1080p transfer delivers inconsistent results; while details shine in well-lit scenes and shadow delineation is commendable, overall image quality suffers from crushed blacks and a muted color palette that falls short of top-tier Blu-ray benchmarks.

Audio: 33

The Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack for "Million Dollar Baby" on Blu-ray is fittingly subdued to suit the film's melancholy tone but lacks dynamism and presence. Dialogue is solid but occasionally muffled, with minimal surround use and deep bass. Overall, it's a functional but unremarkable audio presentation.

Extra: 31

The Blu-ray extras for 'Million Dollar Baby' are underwhelming with repurposed content, featuring a compelling yet dry 24-minute discussion hosted by James Lipton, a 19-minute segment on boxing's allure, and a 13-minute producers' interview on the film’s development, all presented in 480p.

Movie: 76

"Million Dollar Baby" shines in Blu-ray with Tom Stern's evocative cinematography and Eastwood’s precise direction, delivering Oscar-winning performances and a heart-wrenching third act. While some found Eastwood's character less compelling than Swank's, the film remains a masterclass in storytelling and emotional impact.


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