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Baron Blood Blu-ray Review

Gli orrori del castello di Norimberga

Score: 61

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

Kino-Lorber's Blu-ray release of 'Baron Blood' provides a solid HD upgrade and an insightful commentary, though special features are sparse.

Baron Blood Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

Video: 63

The 1080p/AVC-encoded Blu-ray of 'Baron Blood' significantly improves on prior DVD editions, providing vivid contrast, well-saturated colors, and impressive black levels. Despite inherent flaws like scratches, specks, and occasional soft textures, the transfer remains true to its source, preserving an authentic, vintage feel.

Audio: 63

The uncompressed Linear PCM 2.0 track on Baron Blood's Blu-ray delivers a largely clean audio experience with minimal hiss, pops, or noise. Despite some minor issues like occasional muffled dialogue and thin bass, the music score stands out, enhancing the soundstage. Notably, subtitles are absent.

Extra: 46

The Blu-Ray extras for 'Baron Blood' are highlighted by Tim Lucas's meticulously researched commentary, covering production insights, location details, and creative influences. Additionally, the Italian title sequences, original theatrical trailers, and Mario Bava-related trailers offer rich supplementary material.

Movie: 61

Though 'Baron Blood' falls short of Mario Bava's iconic works like 'Black Sunday,' its gothic horror atmosphere, authentic castle setting, and Bava's visual creativity, make it an engaging, if ultimately underwhelming, return to Italian horror. Kino Classics' Blu-ray release offers a visually immersive experience.


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