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127 Hours Blu-ray Review

Score: 71

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

'127 Hours' shines with Franco's best work, a gripping survival story, and top-notch Blu-ray quality; a must-see film of 2010.

127 Hours Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 76

The 1080p/AVC 127 Hours transfer shines with vivid, sharp detail and rich colors, maximizing Utah's landscapes while maintaining clarity across diverse film techniques, minimal compression flaws, and immersive depth.

Audio: 74

127 Hours' DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 excels in clarity, detail, immersive music, and subtle sound effects, enhancing the film's intense, spiritual, and emotional impact.

Extra: 49

While longing for real Ralston footage, the disc thrills with its extras including an insightful commentary, deleted scenes, a captivating documentary on the making of '127 Hours', and more.

Movie: 71

A gripping tale of survival, '127 Hours' portrays Aron Ralston's harrowing ordeal in Utah's canyons, where his will to live leads him to a desperate act of self-amputation, captured in Danny Boyle's intense film.


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