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Run All Night Blu-ray Review

Score: 71

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

"Run All Night" offers a solid A/V presentation with excellent audio, but lacks substantial special features; the film itself is a mixed bag, delivering fun yet predictable entertainment.

Run All Night Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 79

Warner’s 2.40:1 1080p AVC-encoded video for 'Run All Night' delivers a strong performance with impressive detail and rich color saturation, albeit with some moderate to severe black crush and minor digital noise in darker scenes. Overall, the transfer remains robust and well-defined.

Audio: 84

The Blu-ray of *Run All Night* delivers a dynamic DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 surround track with impeccable dialogue clarity, assertive LFE output, and immersive rear speaker activity, elevating both action sequences and quieter moments through superb directionality and consistent audio levels.

Extra: 58

Run All Night's Blu-ray extras offer a brief yet insightful behind-the-scenes look at the challenges of nighttime filming, Liam Neeson's dedication to action roles, and round it off with six deleted scenes, all presented in high definition.

Movie: 69

Run All Night delivers a familiar mix of action-packed sequences and dark, urban themes, with standout performances by Neeson and Harris elevating an otherwise formulaic revenge thriller. However, plot inconsistencies and forced drama undermine its potential, leaving it a decent but ultimately unremarkable entry in Neeson's action repertoire.


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