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Rosewater Blu-ray Review

Score: 69

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

Rosewater, directed by Jon Stewart with a strong lead by Gael García Bernal, offers excellent Blu-ray video/audio but disappoints with minimal supplements.

Rosewater Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 81

Rosewater's 1080p, 1.85:1-framed transfer offers well-defined details and authentic facial textures, with a slightly subdued color palette and deep black levels. The MPEG-4 AVC encode effectively maintains a clean and crisp image, highlighting the film’s stark visuals and nuanced tones.

Audio: 76

Rosewater’s DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 lossless soundtrack delivers smooth, precise music and commendable instrumental clarity. Dialogue is crisp across a wide soundstage, with excellent channel separation and adequate low-frequency depth, making it a pleasure to listen to for a character-driven drama.

Extra: 46

The Blu-ray extras of 'Rosewater' are regrettably brief and underwhelming, offering only around four minutes of superficially informative featurettes lacking in-depth commentary, despite their promising titles.

Movie: 74

Though 'Rosewater' may lack profound depth and dramatic urgency, Jon Stewart’s directorial debut delivers a poignant narrative on freedom, reinforced by Gael García Bernal’s strong performance and technically competent production. The film blends humor and political intrigue, reflecting the harrowing reality of imprisonment for truth-telling.


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