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Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

  • Score: 90

    from 7 reviewers

    Review Date:

  • Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire is a nostalgia-heavy, overcrowded film with lackluster character utilization but delivers exceptional 4K UHD video, audio, and extras.

    Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire 4K UHD Blu-ray Front Cover

    Disc Release Date

    True 4K


    Dolby Vision

    Dolby Atmos


    Dolby TrueHD

  • Video: 96

  • Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire excels with a stunning 4K native master, offering deep black levels, vibrant HDR-enhanced colors, and detailed imagery free of banding and crush. While a few CGI shots may look overly clear, the overall presentation with Dolby Vision and high data rates delivers crystal-clear visuals and immersive depth.

  • Audio: 97

  • Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire's 4K UHD Blu-ray delivers a nearly demo-worthy Dolby Atmos mix with precise dialog, robust bass, active surrounds, and immersive height channels. The Atmos track elevates the already impressive 5.1 mix, providing a nuanced audio experience that enhances every scene with seamless channel pans and compelling LFE support.

  • Extra: 82

  • The Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire UHD Blu-Ray offers a lively director's commentary and Sony previews on the 4K disc, while the Blu-ray disc enriches the experience with a solid array of behind-the-scenes featurettes, informative EPK segments, and deleted scenes. Overall, it's a worthwhile addition for fans.

  • Movie: 79

  • Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire aims to meld nostalgia with fresh elements but falls short, presenting a 'middle-of-the-road' experience with paper-thin plotting, sporadic humor, and an overload of characters and subplots. Despite solid performances and high-quality 4K UHD presentation, this sequel lacks direction and cohesion, failing to capture the magic of its predecessors.


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