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Bait Blu-ray Review

Score: 56

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

Bait 3D's Blu-ray offers impressive visuals and solid audio but falls short in narrative depth, with limited supplements making it a mixed recommendation.

Bait Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

Dolby TrueHD

Video: 77

"Bait" delivers a compelling Blu-ray visual presentation with abundant detail and sharp definition in various 3D scenes, maintaining excellent color stability and brightness. Despite some deliberate muted palettes, primaries remain vivid, and blacks are generally deep, offering a highly immersive 3D experience.

Audio: 78

The Dolby TrueHD 7.1 soundtrack of 'Bait' delivers an impressively immersive audio experience with meticulously balanced sound effects, clear dialogue, detailed directionality, and powerful low-frequency impact, effectively enhancing both the film's dynamic scenes and its atmospheric depth.

Extra: 55

The Blu-ray extras for 'Bait' are minimal, offering only a HD storyboard gallery in 2D and a DVD copy of the film, underscoring a lack of robust bonus content.

Movie: 60

'Bait' offers a surprisingly refreshing take on the shark genre with effective use of 3D visuals, honest special effects, and a cohesive story, despite lacking depth in character development and overindulging in melodrama after a strong first half.


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