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Safety Not Guaranteed Blu-ray Review

Score: 63

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

Safety Not Guaranteed’s Blu-ray showcases a delightful film with superb acting, charming script, solid audio, and mixed visual quality—highly recommended.

Safety Not Guaranteed Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 64

Safety Not Guaranteed's Blu-ray offers appreciable high-definition detail with natural colors and balanced white and black levels, but is marred by digital anomalies such as blocking, jittering, heavy noise in low-light scenes, and frequent jagged edges. Overall, a mixed but occasionally pleasing 1080p transfer.

Audio: 69

Safety Not Guaranteed offers a reliable DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 lossless soundtrack, with smooth, strident-free vocal reproduction, an opulent front-oriented soundstage, and atmospheric rear channel ambience. Although the dynamics occasionally shine, the subwoofer has limited impact.

Extra: 46

The Blu-ray extras for 'Safety Not Guaranteed' include a 15-minute featurette with cast and crew insights on the script, key scenes, and prop construction, alongside a brief discussion with author John Silveira on the original ad and its public impact—all in high definition.

Movie: 73

Safety Not Guaranteed is a heartwarming and thoughtful film that impresses with its sincerity, multifaceted performances, and unique premise. The charming chemistry between Aubrey Plaza and Mark Duplass elevates the movie, though some side characters feel underdeveloped. A must-watch for indie film aficionados.


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