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Borderlands 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Review

Score: 71

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

Despite a high-quality Dolby Vision transfer and excellent Atmos mix, Borderlands delivers a soulless, generic storyline that ultimately disappoints.

Borderlands 4K UHD Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

Video: 86

Borderlands' 4K UHD presentation impresses with a Dolby Vision transfer that showcases razor-sharp details, vibrant colors, and deep blacks. Although CGI rendering gives a cartoonish feel and reshoot scenes disrupt visual consistency, the disc offers reference-quality sharpness and impressive depth.

Audio: 96

Borderlands' Dolby Atmos mix delivers an immersive and engaging audio experience with dynamic distribution across front, center, side, rear, and height channels. Bass is deep and impactful, enhancing big action sequences, while clear dialogue ensures intelligibility amid the intense and vibrant soundstage.

Extra: 26

The "Borderlands" 4K UHD Blu-ray presents roughly 45 minutes of extras, offering insights into the film’s production and the transition from game to screen. These brief but engaging features go beyond typical EPK soundbites, adding value with highlights such as "High-Tech Hellscapes" and "Fashion and Action on Pandora."

Movie: 26

Despite a star-studded cast, 'Borderlands' is a disjointed, studio-meddled film that suffers from poor writing and direction, delivering lackluster CGI and clichéd plot beats. While attempting to emulate the chaotic energy of its video game roots, it ultimately results in a soulless experience lacking coherence and engaging drama.


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