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Without a Paddle


  • Score: 52

    from 2 reviewers

    Review Date:

  • Without a Paddle offers a lighthearted comedy with decent acting and fun moments, but is hindered by an inconsistent audio track and mediocre overall appeal.

    Without a Paddle Blu-ray Front Cover

    Disc Release Date

    Dolby TrueHD

  • Video: 60

  • "Without a Paddle" Blu-ray boasts a clean, crisp 1080p, 2.35:1-framed transfer with excellent color depth and lifelike detail, despite occasional speckles and inconsistent flesh tones. While some scenes suffer from over-saturation and DNR effects, overall, it remains a solid release from Paramount.

  • Audio: 57

  • "Without a Paddle's Blu-ray Dolby TrueHD 5.1 soundtrack excels with clear, balanced dialogue and a wide soundstage across the front channels. However, rear speaker use is minimal and notable audio sync issues affect playback on some players. Overall, it offers just adequate auditory support for the comedy."

  • Extra: 50

  • Without a Paddle's Blu-ray extras, mostly carried over in standard definition from the 2005 DVD, offer a mix of dry yet informative solo commentary from Director Brill, an amusing PiP video commentary with cast, routine MTV featurettes, 13 mostly unnecessary deleted scenes, and an unremarkable trailer and MTV interstitials.

  • Movie: 50

  • "Without a Paddle" balances humor, action, and drama well, featuring competent performances from Seth Green, Dax Shepard, and Matthew Lillard. However, its lowbrow comedy and episodic structure leave much to be desired, resulting in a predictable story that, despite occasional laughs, lacks lasting impact.


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