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Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

  • Score: 83

    from 5 reviewers

    Review Date:

  • Attack of the Clones: Action up, romance down, visuals impress; divisive among fans.

    Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 4K UHD Blu-ray Front Cover

    Disc Release Date

  • Video: 81

  • Star Wars: Episode II's 4K UHD release offers an upscaled, but impressive visual upgrade with solid HDR, despite being hindered by its original digital filming limitations and aging CGI.

  • Audio: 93

  • Attack of the Clones thrives in Dolby Atmos with detailed 3D audio, from dialogue clarity to immersive action scenes, despite its visuals.

  • Extra: 88

  • The UHD edition of Attack of the Clones enriches fans' collections with its array of old and new bonuses across Blu-ray discs, featuring intriguing insights into sound design, costume archives, art, digital characters, and effects, alongside commentaries and a rich selection of interviews and deleted scenes.

  • Movie: 68

  • Attack of the Clones, a blend of missed potential and poor execution, dazzles with effects yet disappoints with shallow dialogue and a dismal portrayal of Anakin's journey, embodying the saga's low point despite technical upgrades in its UHD release.

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