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7 Seconds Blu-ray Review

Score: 46

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

7 Seconds delivers mundane action with bad dialogue, silly stunts, unremarkable video, and no extras, making it not worth buying or renting.

7 Seconds Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

Dolby TrueHD

Video: 58

The Blu-ray of '7 Seconds' offers a lackluster 1080p, 1.85:1 transfer with consistent but dull resolution, subdued colors, and a flat contrast. Detail levels are adequate but lack vibrancy, hindered by grain and occasional spots. The overall image quality is substandard yet watchable.

Audio: 64

7 Seconds' Dolby TrueHD 5.1 soundtrack delivers a generally satisfying audio experience with clear dialogue, prominent low frequency effects, and a surround platform that effectively immerses viewers in action sequences. Some minor issues include slightly boomy bass and less crisp effects compared to top-tier lossless tracks.

Extra: 20

7 Seconds' Blu-ray arrives without film-related extras, offering only 1080p trailers for other titles and access to Sony's BD-Live page, which could not be tested pre-release. Expected access on August 12.

Movie: 39

7 Seconds is a derivative, low-budget action film featuring Wesley Snipes in a lackluster performance, burdened with a convoluted plot, uninteresting characters, and subpar action sequences. This direct-to-video release fails to stand out amidst a slew of similar titles, offering little beyond unintentionally amusing moments.


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