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The Search for Santa Paws Blu-ray Review

Score: 54

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

The Search for Santa Paws' Blu-ray offers solid video and audio quality, but the film itself is a subpar holiday experience better suited for a rental.

The Search for Santa Paws Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 64

The Search for Santa Paws' 1080p/AVC presentation is clear and colorful, with strong primaries and bright contrast. Detail is finely rendered, especially in facial features and textures. However, the Blu-ray's high resolution amplifies the film's poor CG effects and green screen issues, revealing its direct-to-video budget limitations.

Audio: 64

Disney's DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 track for 'The Search for Santa Paws' offers a front-heavy but engaging sound mix, with clear dialogue, satisfying panning effects, subtle LFE output, and immersive ambient noise. While not groundbreaking, it successfully meets the expectations for a direct-to-video release.

Extra: 41

The Blu-ray extras of 'The Search for Santa Paws' feature a lackluster assortment including a basic animated storybook, a subpar sing-along, an uninspired music video, and unfinished deleted scenes marked by patchy audio and incomplete visual effects.

Movie: 46

"The Search for Santa Paws" is a convoluted, visually mediocre holiday film that enthralls young children with its magical elements and talking dogs but consistently fails to engage older audiences or offer substantive storytelling, often relying on cliché tropes and lackluster CGI.


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